Monday, June 20, 2016

Gowin in “FT”: you should purchase some foreign banks in Poland –

In an interview with the London daily Gowin , who is also minister of science and higher education, he estimated that the state should be in the framework of “economic patriotism” to take action to increase the participation of Polish capital in the domestic banking sector .

We should take the opportunity that some of the foreign banks are faced with problems and try them zrenacjonalizować – Gowin said “FT”. Official advises that approx. 60 per cent. Polish banking sector is in foreign hands, but some banks, such as the Austrian Raiffeisen and Italian UniCredit, whose troops are in the country, considering withdrawal from the Polish market.

During the transitional period the Polish state could buy these banks (Polish branches of foreign banks – PAP), but only in order to then privatize them. (…) (But) if I had to choose whether to sell the bank to a foreign or national investor on similar terms, even if the Polish investor was my strong opponent, of course, that I would rather sell it to the Pole – explains the Deputy Prime Minister.

Gowin also assured that the Warsaw will continue to encourage global investors to do business in our country. However, he stressed that to date foreign capital received from the state too many privileges, eg. Regarding tax exemptions. In his opinion, the government should support Polish entrepreneurs.

In the last 25 years, Polish companies have been treated as (entities) of the second category by its own government. They were discriminated against in comparison with foreign investors. (…) Polish politicians can no longer tolerate overt and blatant discrimination against Polish entrepreneurs – said Gowin.

Vice also referred to the situation on the domestic market media . He said that the authorities in Warsaw are concerned about the dominance of foreign, mainly German capital on the Polish media market.

Why do I have to assume that the German owners of Polish newspapers are less patriotic than me? I suppose they are wonderful German patriots, and if there was a collision of national interests, they have tried to smuggle a German point of view (the columns of his newspaper) – Assess Gowin. – I want to see the Polish state to support the Polish media – he added.

Meanwhile, the “FT” draws attention to the warnings of some foreign analysts, who point out that the “transition (the authorities – PAP) to a more static, nationalist economic model can harm national perspectives.”

often abroad are seen as the bad guys, but this is mainly because they are fighting for the rights of the Polish economy and the state – Gowin said “FT”.


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