Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lowering the retirement age only for some? –

“We in the Parliament a draft law amending the law on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund. The project, which envisages lowering the retirement age for women to 60 years of age for men to 65 years of age. The project, which – I want to emphasize – does not imply the introduction of evidence seniority (…). it is a project that provides only basic lowering the retirement age, “- said at a meeting of the Council for Social Dialogue Zieleniecka.

” Of course it is not so, that they are not considered alternatives (…) . Such variants are considering. we do not do this in a hidden manner. also, ideas that are reported to the forum team. social security, including ideas to introduce a pension regardless of age, or retirement after 35 years of insurance in case of women and 40 years of insurance for men considering. we calculate. this does not mean that it is carried out some hidden scenario. we are also considering other options because we are obligated to do so constitutionally. In contrast, the only project that is implemented, it is the President’s bill lowering the retirement age, which is in the Parliament and representatives of the government and the social partners several times, in various forums have the opportunity to speak, “- he added.

The assumptions for the budget for 2017., which received members of the Social Dialogue is stated that due to planned expenditure budget and the risk of exceeding the threshold of 3 percent. public finance deficit in 2017., “will be possible to earmark additional funds for salaries in 2017. if you lowered retirement age of 60/65 will be connected with a minimum work experience of the insured in the amount of 35/40 years. “

the work on the draft presidential lower age for retirement to 60 years for women and 65 for men are at the stage of the parliamentary subcommittee. Trade unions postulate the introduction of the possibility of retirement after working 35 years for women and 40 years for men, treating the internship as a separate premise to obtain pension rights.

Zieleniecka: linking the retirement age and seniority one of the options

linking lowered the retirement age to length of service is one of the options considered in the design of next year’s budget, and no decision on the matter – assured the deputy minister of family and working Marcin Zieleniecka.

Zielenicki who participated on Wednesday in Warsaw at the meeting of the task teams of the Council for Social Dialogue. It concerned provided by the government assumptions for the budget for 2017., Proposed increase in the minimum wage and the growth rates of wages in the public sector and increase pensions next year.

Vice OPZZ Miroslaw Taranowska asking for records contained in the Governing assumptions for the budget for 2017. Filed in them that due to planned expenditure budget and the risk of exceeding the threshold of 3 percent. public finance deficit in 2017., “will be possible to earmark additional funds for salaries in 2017. if you lowered the retirement age of 60/65 will be connected with a minimum work experience of the insured in the amount of 35/40 years.”

Zieleniecka explained that this provision meant that it is one of the options that would allow for an increase in wages in budżetówce in 2017. Earlier, Deputy finance Minister Wieslaw Janczyk reminded that planned in the assumptions wage growth in budżetówce assumes failure to raise the rate of wages, but only book at no additional 1.4 billion zł. About the total amount could increase these salaries next year.

Deputy Minister of family and work explained that the parliament is a presidential draft lowering the retirement age to 60 years for women and 65 for men. It does not contain the element linking pension rights of seniority – he stressed.

“Of course it is not so that they are not considered alternatives,” – he stressed. “Such variations are considering, do not do it in a hidden way, also analyze the proposals made during assemblies of the Council, including the introduction of an independent seniority pension- – regardless of age” – he said.

“We are considering option 35 years of seniority for women and 40 years for men, we calculate. this does not mean that it is carried out some hidden script. we analyze other options “- stressed Zieleniecka.

He noted that the only project that is implemented, the presidential project, which is in the Parliament.

also, Deputy Minister Janczyk declared that the only official and final declaration to this effect may file a premier Beata Szydlo, and all other records should be treated as suggestions for analysis and discussion .

in Poznan, the finance minister Paul Szałamacha said Wednesday that while working out the government’s position on the draft presidential lowering the retirement age, submitted scenarios to consider. These are the options being considered also in the Council of Social Dialogue – concerning the age of 61 for women, 66 for men and age 60 for women, 65 for men connected with seniority 35 years for women and 40 years for men.

“these are the scenarios that we are considering. the government wants to make a decision and the law later this year to next year, these solutions could become operational” – said the head of the finance ministry.

the work on the presidential project lower age for retirement to 60 years for women and 65 for men are at the stage of the parliamentary subcommittee. Trade unions postulate the introduction of the possibility of retirement after working 35 years for women and 40 years for men, treating the internship as a separate premise to obtain pension rights.

Presidential project does not include such records – either as a separate criterion for retirement or as associated with a reduced retirement age.

the government has not yet adopted an opinion ws. presidential project. MRPiPS foretold, however, that it will be positive.


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