Saturday, August 20, 2016

Historical re-enactments? This is forcing the young minds false ideas of war [INTERVIEW] –

In recent years, the Poles love to play the story, and any kind of event reconstruction attract crowds.

actually appeared a trend to this our today saturate the identity signs of the past. The origins of this movement already fall to half of the 90s, but not until the last decade is a real boom all kinds of activities covering the entire reconstruction of history. From the time of Slavic to the present, at the time of Solidarity and story events even later ending.

How did this start?

Originally movement rekonstruktorski had character fansite. There were groups of people with knowledge of the history of the period. They could produce weapons, costumes and were deeply immersed in the realities of the era. But suddenly it turned out that the market, demand and interest in such reconstructions are huge, so the field is broadened performances. They began to organize the reconstruction of not only the anniversaries of important historical events, but also done it at the open-air museums, museums, while various types of events or to celebrate the days of the cities.

How this movement has evolved ?

First of all, he began to increasingly closer to modern times. A few years ago, together with prof. Thomas Szlendakiem and other scientists doing research on the reconstruction groups. “Ogarnęliśmy” whole – since the Slavic War II. It turned out that these groups, at least a large part of them felt that not only rekonstruktorami but also guards historical memory. The memory of important events in Polish history. The vanguard of the patriotic movement.

Does this have to do with politics?

It happened a few years ago, when restorers began to take part in the March of Independence. They have been identified by Jaroslaw Kaczynski as the patriotic movement. And all this in the context of the German leftists attacked then on Polish historical reenactment group whose members were dressed in historical uniforms. It was the first ennoblement and linking at least part of the movement of Polish history and patriotism. I would say – the anointing of November. Since that time, considerable faction of reenactors participate in a historical policy.

Is it reflected in the themes of reconstruction?

There has been a clear shift towards reconstructions tragic episodes of our history. They began to play, among others, executions. Such as. Hanging by the Germans 13 residents Wolka Milanowska. This aroused great controversy. These events are no longer purely entertaining character, but rather are related to historical trauma. There is also the problem of using these groups as a political or even ideological. And as far as reconstructions have become part of the celebration of the Warsaw Uprising, it restorers went on. Sorry.

A lot of controversy aroused staging Radymno associated with the slaughter of Volhynian. It is true that only burned wooden huts, not shown themselves murders, but it provoked this discussion. Professor Andrzej Paczkowski told “Gazeta Wyborcza”, he could not imagine the reconstruction of the carnage. “It would have the same meaning as the reconstruction of smoking people in the crematoria or in the barn in Jedwabne” – he said. And how did you receive it?

The limit has been exceeded. It is irresponsible. And it is because patriotism patriotism, and learning the history of the science of history, but it is forcing the minds of young people completely false ideas of war, martyrdom and suffering. Since reconstructions are not able to absolutely no way to bring the horror of facts that are played. In this way the young generation patriotism, war becomes a kind of rallying cry: and we are also ready to go to war.

What’s wrong with that? After all, in this way it builds up the community.

That’s not being built. This nationalist thinking, built on the opposition: we – them. We, in this case, we are always good, suffering and fighting the “folded” or the outside world. We are dealing with only one characteristic emphases of patriotic, learning a completely abstract thing, that is – as die for the fatherland. Of course, that people in the war gave their lives for the country, but it can not be a part of everyday awareness and build on that identity. Because the identity of the Community built in the broader sense, looking for what people really connected, rather than focusing only on their own environment and separowaniu from the outside world. And in this case it is building a very simplified attitude towards the world.

So what we will see? Reconstructions will go towards playing an increasingly bloody and dramatic episodes of our history?

I’m afraid so. Because everything will be show will eventually be shown. This can not be stopped. You can see that the movements of reconstruction takes longer to schools. This has become such a part of our everyday life, and in the future perhaps also programs and academy school. It will be an additional illustration linked to the teaching of Polish history. It will also intensified the process of political and ideological use of the chosen reconstruction. I am convinced that we will soon be seen on the occasion of some great celebrations of the reenactors who will be accompanied oficjelom state.

Are you saying that this can no longer be stopped. Why?

Therefore, it is visually very appealing. A world ruled by the image. This cruelty is using these reconstruction somehow tamed. We think that the world is cruel, that at any moment reality threatens us this type of events, and that this story has no end. But this is of course only a part of the movement reconstructive. You might be wondering whether, as part of this movement is not made such a crack that has taken place in recent times in our society. Because these early restorers, operating for many years, referring to some mythical reality, they want to be far from what is now happening.

Is war may appear as something attractive? Can we draw?

After more than 70 years, when no one in our region of Europe has not experienced what war is, it becomes such a romantic notion, the prototype of which is, of course, Warsaw Uprising. On the other hand, is being built now a myth soldiers cursed. Returns romantic nineteenth-century idea of ​​conflict, where war is something noble, something that integrates people, pride and glory for its participants, who may possess eternal fame, as there is absolutely nothing in common with reality. We can not get rid of the our unfortunate romance.

We have a war in the blood?

Europe since ancient times always dripping blood. The history of mankind is a history of conflict and conquest. With a whole lot of human qualities to the fore stands out in this case competition at the individual level, which often moves on the collective level, tribe, ethnic group.

“At the beginning of the twentieth century., what today may seem strange to us, we reigned in Europe’s social and cultural consent for the war. And regardless of the nation. People were convinced that after so many years of peace time has come to seriously deal with each other. Because the war, as persuaded, refreshes and strengthens nations. They compared it to the bloodletting by doctors “- a quotation from Professor. Andrew praises. The thing related to the causes of the outbreak of the First World War. Do you see any parallels to the present day?

What’s happening now is amazing. We have no conflict of war on Europe-wide for over 70 years, but in some heads born the idea that it’s probably too long. That could use some enhancement that would lead to radical changes in Europe. I notice this dangerous trend. Thinking Community of Europe is in complete reverse. We live increasingly in tribal systems, which is very corrosive to the identity of the young generation.

Why being a tribe is dangerous?

for builds identity, to distinguish at all costs from all the others, strangers. And I am looking for differences, not similarities. There is no search for common points.

Many decades without conflict, so forgotten how bloody and cruel war can be. Reconstruction is a kind of fun adults in war?

So, do not hesitate to say so. Unfortunately, no one reads today outstanding novels devoted to the war, where you can see her bloody face. Let me now find someone from the younger generation who has read “on the Western Front” Remarque. If this generation have read this book, that twice would have wondered the carrying out of reconstruction-related executions. But the culture that dominated the pictorial imagination reenactors that he no longer goes to the literary material, counts more spectacular this page.

And who is typical restorer? Well-read middle class, who participate in the reconstruction considers a source of pride and at the same time quite an elite form of entertainment?

These are often people originating from the local intelligence from different cities of the country . In large agglomerations are students or graduates. At the head of the most common is an authority that is either a professional historian or amateur history with considerable know – as is clear from our research. We can say that for the most part are representatives of the middle class, or those who do it aspire.

Among the reconstruction shows only those that are glorious in our history?

Reconstructions, where we get a “thud” are rather in the minority. If you already presented to defeat it as is the case with the Warsaw Uprising, this is shown in the envelope steadfastness and bravery of Poles. In a present vision of the historical policy, however, it is the emphasis on the great and glorious victory. Take for example this year the reconstruction of the Battle of Grunwald. Somewhere beyond the entertainment in today’s political atmosphere again it resounds strongly that it was our victory over Germany. Not over the Teutonic Knights, but just over Germany. And it was firmly stamped. It turns out that now you can with these reconstructions bring out a lot of things, which so far have been like in the background.

Reconstruction, initially of a fansites, hobby, transformed over time in quite a profitable market?

that’s right, this is a big market. We have tried to describe it in our book, but it’s been a few years, and it’s all very dynamically developed during this time. I have the impression that we are now at the height of the movement, and in today’s atmosphere intensify patriotic he gets additional fuel. But it seems to me that it can be simultaneously beginning of the end of the phenomenon. I feel that much more will be possible to extract this. Unfortunately, I notice that the movement rekonstruktorski is little used, as in the People’s Republic have used the folklore. It takes the form of folklore, patriotic, national, and that the spontaneity could be deadly. She is now unfortunately getting smaller. I know that those restorers who treat it really seriously, distancing themselves from some of the most notorious events and are critical to them. There is therefore great diversity in terms of professionalism and the value of the historical reconstruction.

On the occasion memorable for us historical events, such as eg. The Warsaw Uprising, there is a whole bunch of different kinds of gadgets . Stickers on cars, backpacks, reflective bands and so on. It is not trivializing history?

Of course, it is. But such is the world. All such events are immediately backed gadgets. It is also a good deal, and somewhere by the way are smuggled this patriotic message. Each such celebrations are also part of consumer culture and since there is no escape. Take, for example, clothing patriotic. We see this market suddenly rozbuchał. And this is a phenomenon because of this a few years ago, yet it was not. And that is the modern way of assimilating history.

And you would wear a sweatshirt with the emblem of the Polish Fighting and the slogan “Resistance is in my blood”?

Very much I thought about it, especially since the Warsaw uprising that to me is something that is constantly struggling. One of the most tragic events in Polish history that forever probably remain in dispute.


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