Sunday, July 26, 2015

Modern advertising like a chameleon: He has reach the customer, before he realizes –

Advertising native, content marketing, storytelling, guerrilla marketing, ambient advertising, viral, buzz – a list of new forms of advertising continues to grow. Even professionals increasingly difficult to keep up with industry trends and successive terms. The ordinary bread, not to mention zjadaczach. But though in detail each defining a different kind of promotion of a product, service or brand, it’s all one thing in common – an escape from the associations with traditional advertising.

Because this has stopped working. Uodporniliśmy at her. – In the age of television viewers flee before a computer monitor and other monitors, has been completely modified approach to advertising – admits King Dolega-Lesińska, President KinAds, cinema advertising broker. – The creators of advertising messages must strictly follow their customers. The future is sponsored content and so. contentowe product approach – he added.

gave eloquent explains Martin Lindstrom, the guru of neuromarketing and world-renowned expert on building brand value. – Consumers today are careless in selling information about you, but in five years will wake up in a world in which the system knows about them so much that he can predict their next move before they perform it – he says. Traditional advertising in the form of coded blocks of spots is doomed to failure. – Firstly, because fewer and fewer people watching traditional TV, the media also changed. And secondly, in five years the line between editorial and advertising Content disappear altogether. It is not even a distant future, it’s already happening – he tells us Lindstrom. In his opinion, the sad reality is that the objective editorial content are sentenced to death.

On the border “krypciochy”

Courageous (ang. Brave ): so called native advertising studio launched in June by the CNN. The new cell was christened in honor of the yacht Ted Turner, the founder of the world’s first news channel. Given the profile of studies, the movement is not so much brave as risky. The key distinction is in fact a native of advertising – as the name suggests – its naturalness (ang. Native is a natural, indigenous, native). Such advertising must fit perfectly in the environment both in terms of graphic form and content. There can be intrusive as traditional advertorials, must have added value, interesting and useful for the recipient content. To put it bluntly – is to pretend that advertising is not.

For many native advertising is nothing else than “krypciocha,” or advertorial. But so insulting term industry can not afford. Surreptitious advertising is beyond the legally prohibited. Well, the creators of advertising usually represent the native sponsored content. And because they are often vague and ambiguous markings – is another matter. There is no doubt that the idea of ​​native advertising is not anything revelatory – on television a long-standing product placement in the press advertorial, which is supplemented by paid text advertising graphic material fine print signed as a “promotion”. With native advertising is so little like the “conservator flat surfaces” – under the fancy name hides a simple cleaning lady.

CNN is the first television in the US, which officially launched the production of advertisements, which are deceptively resemble news content. Thus, the station comes in unknown cruise, where fish are caught in troubled waters. Message to enter into this business rebounded in the US wide coverage. Commentators warned against conflict of interest that is certain to occur, creating a new genre of television, which was called “informecial” (cluster of “information” and “commercial”, that is, information and publicity). Finally, they warned against setting at stake the reputation of the station and the threat of losing the trust of viewers.

– It’s about telling the audience with interesting stories about brands. I think the trust that viewers bestow CNN, will be an attractive value to advertisers – said the “Wall Street Journal” Dan Riess, one of the vice-presidents of Turner Broadcasting, which owns CNN. This ensures that the content of advertising will be clearly marked, but it will also create professional journalists. – These are the professionals who will be able, for example, go to a specific company and find in it elements that might interest viewers of CNN – said Otto Bell, former creative director at OgilvyEntertainment, who heads the studio.

Keep on banner blindness

In the Internet advertising has long been a native hula. The website BuzzFeed, which derives most of its revenue just keeps a team of 60 employees who create this kind of content. But more often it breaks for print media, including those prestigious. A special section “BrandContent” is even “Washington Post”, which employs more than 40 specialists from advertising native, or “New York Times”. Recently, a native ad on the first page printed a “Forbes”. To business joined other players.

Millward Brown, a company dedicated to market research and public opinion in the report “Outlook for traditional and digital media,” estimates that business revolves four years, but this year will be a real hit. The reason? This form of advertising is simply effective. – Advertising native consistently perform better than their standard counterparts. Consumers are watching this type of advertising by 52 percent. more often than banner ads and are more likely to transmit them to friends or family – says analyst Ion Salm. It’s not news that traditional advertising no longer works, and we are talking not only about the spots on television, but also the relatively young online advertising. During the commercial break spectator reaches for the remote and change the channel, goes to the kitchen for a sandwich or reaching for cell phone or tablet – because research shows IRCenter, 63 percent. Internet justifies the additional activity on another screen while watching TV desire to wait out the commercial breaks. No better thing is also the classic online advertising. Internet users do not notice it now. Most suffer from – as they say spec Industry – banner blindness. Besides, most of the ads that the average user is watching, is random, it does not correspond to the interests and needs. The result? The surfer annoyed banners installed on your computer, eg. Ad-Block, which is a small extension to the browser that blocks ads. With this kind of solution is already using 39 percent. Internet users in the UK and 47 percent. Internet users in the United States.

A solution to this problem is to be a personal ad (called. Programmatic), which is based on analysis of customer needs, making it easier to get their attention. The data are collected on power – in social media, search engines, online stores. This is called. big data. Do not be surprised, then, if an access to e-shop with bags for a few days will you have displayed ads bags that przeglądałaś. That’s how it works. Thanks to the possibilities offered by big data, television advertising in the next 3-4 years will give lead to the online advertising field.

By analyzing large amounts of data, marketers will be able to use a personal ad and for use it to implement the idea of ​​one-to-one marketing, which is precisely choose the message to a specific customer. There will be no need to divide them into specific groups, and the ad will be tailored to the interests and actual needs of the individual consumer.

Who screwed up

Advertising Personal and native also operates on the Polish yard. The first loud campaign of this kind was advertising for hot dogs at a gas station and jeans by the editor of the site, both triggered unrest. Today, a service of Thomas waved openly seeking journalists to create promotional content. It is important to have a “writing skills under time pressure both short texts and extensive multi-threaded materials on a variety of topics.”

Proponents of this form of advertising underline that this is not only a great way of saving declining budgets publishers, but the key to advertising success native is the right content. It’s an interesting, useful and well-specified content to be bait for the reader. Unfortunately, in fact, different from the case. Not all can afford the involvement of professional journalists, especially since such cooperation still raises a lot of negative connotations.

When almost all “Large Format” was dedicated to Bieszczadom, where he filmed the HBO series “Wataha” none of the journalists writing about advertising the native did not even mention. And we must admit that a bunch of names in issue was respectable. Gregory Szymanik published text about the work of the Border Guard, an article by Adam Wajrak about animals from the region and Mariusz Szczygieł column in which he described his first trip to the Bieszczady Mountains. Advertising HBO appeared only on the last page. About the show in any of the texts there was no word. But there was no doubt what the action. – For more than two years, despite the resistance of many media we say that this is the future of advertising native internet marketing. Today in “Big Form” found an ally – then commented Thomas Machała.

Example of “Gazeta Wyborcza” – although it was undoubtedly a native high-flying advertising – also showed one of the major problems which binds with this issue. As for the issues of labeling sponsored material. This issue of “Large Format” was marked with little explanatory title “Academy of stories HBO and Gazeta Wyborcza”. Creativity publishers in this area is enormous. Ideas on how to get out of the need for labeling of Content sponsored are known even from television cooking shows or weather forecast: “The program invites XYZ” or “XYZ Company wishes you a bon appetit.”

– recipient should know that the message, which has to do, is advertising, and advertisers are going to be bright and clear message to the recipient – calls the American Society of Magazines Editors, bringing together editors of popular magazines in the United States. In their view, publishers should apply to them the term “sponsored content” and within the article to include information that the content of the article was created on behalf of advertisers. – In another case, the advertising content should stand out from editorials different font color, varying the type or visual element clearly separating advertising from the rest of the native editorials – convince members of ASME.

– The worst They are sometimes perceived as intrusive propaganda and just as interesting as a slideshow of holiday in an unpopular uncle. The best of them evoke positive feelings, allow you to establish a relationship with the consumer and have a positive impact on the brand – explains Ion Salm. As an example of successful advertising cites the promotion of the movie “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues”, which uses native advertising on the website BuzzFeed, with plenty of illustrations. Its title was “17 News Anchors That are having a rough day” (17 newscasters who have a bad day). – Content will perfectly etched into both intelligently created BuzzFeed editorial material, as well as humor slapstickowy used in the promoted film – Salm says.

But it is also not without mishaps. “We screw up” – these three words that can be translated into a familiar-sounding “schrzaniliśmy” American cultural magazine “The Atlantic” apologized to readers for intrusive advertising Scientologists Church and its leader David Miscavige’a. The article, though marked as sponsored the fine print, faithfully imitated the other texts on the site – the same font, layout of text and images. Unobservant reader would recognize that it has to do with journalistic material. In this paean in honor of Scientology was not in addition to any negative comments. It turned out that this office workers are moderated forum advertising under the text. What to careful readers do not miss it already. Unleashed a scandal, it criticized the publisher that has exceeded all bounds of intrusive advertising. Compromising text disappeared from the site. But the publisher had had to explain and apologize. Losses arising branding is difficult to estimate.

You open the fridge, and there …

According to the British branch association of companies operating in the network of organizations Interactive Advertising Bureau Digital advertising market there is worth a native already 216 million pounds a year. In the US in 2013. Marketers spent on advertising the native 4.7 billion. According to forecasts, this amount will increase more than fourfold in 2018. – These are the conclusions of research BI Intelligence and IAB. And this is just the beginning. Advertising native or the use of big data in marketing is present. The future brings more opportunities and more risks. According to forecasts by the International Data Corporation by the end of 2020. We are connected more than 220 million devices to the Internet – there will be 30 times more than men. Advertising media will no longer just a computer, smartphone or tablet, but even a fridge. He did not even know it, when he greeted the message of the empty carton of milk and cheese has broken, and after a while will issue a supermarket advertising, where we can buy these products. According to the study by IAB Poland “Internet of things in Poland”, almost half of the respondents willing to podłączyłaby to the network air conditioning, monitoring or lighting your home.

– I believe that in 20 years there will be no advertising . This will happen through artificial intelligence – says Grzegorz Flint, president of interactive marketing agency GoldenSubmarine, who oversaw the preparation of the report. In his vision of this man he will convince Siri or Cort (ie. Personal assistants devices Apple and Microsoft, who respond to our questions) that we care for a particular sugar and water, and they (the assistants are female names) will be the agree or propose other brands. But this is pure guesswork at the moment, unfortunately, we are moving in the direction in which a person will have no idea when it has to do with advertising. – Soon triumph also a new kind of advertising “plot placement” (plot, which stands. Storyline). You run your brand or product and build around that story on the canvas of this story arises movie, like “ET” or “Bond”: with the stars, props, special effects – explains Lindstrom. The best example is the film “LEGO adventure” aired in cinemas last year (even spelling the title is consistent with the guidelines bobbin brand). This 1.5-hour, one big advertisement LEGO, to which the audience they bought their tickets.

CNN is the first television in the US, which produces advertising materials confusingly similar news. – It’s about telling the audience with interesting stories about brands – say company representatives


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