Wednesday, July 8, 2015

China: panic declines in the stock market. Evaporated 3.2 trillion dollars … – Polish Radio

According to some experts did not collapse will affect the real economy of the Middle Kingdom.


USA closely monitor the developments

However, the White House announced on Wednesday afternoon that together with the Ministry of Finance the US is monitoring the situation on the Chinese stock exchange, “because of the possible consequences (crash ) for the global economy. “


Frightened investors on Wall Street

The declines caused by the situation in China rebounded on Wall Street, which began the session of declines, especially that US analysts recognize that the situation the capital markets can contribute significantly to the slowdown in the Chinese economy, which is already losing momentum.

Wednesday’s massacre on the stock exchange, which took place after weeks of declines, did not stop even the fact that on the dancefloor in Shanghai and Shenzhen were suspended trading in shares close half of the companies listed there – writes “Time”.

According to the “Washington Post”, if there is a suspension of trading, the decline in the Shanghai Composite index, which since June 12 amounted to 28 per cent., would be even more dramatic.


Shares of Chinese companies have fallen by 3.2 trillion dollars

“The pogrom on the dancefloor reduced total market value of shares of Chinese companies with at least 3.2 trillion dollars.” – Gives the “Washington Post”.


Is it splits the Chinese bubble?

Some traders fear, however, that this “epidemic trading suspension” of which largely sought by companies themselves, is in fact part of their strategy to escape the speculative bubble burst in China – says French financial daily “Les Echos”.

Moreover, the suspension of trading can be very scare foreign investors, who may consider that the Chinese stock market is not He mature enough – he continues, “Les Echos”.

The US “Time” writes that “the turbulence on the second largest stock market in the world” led regulators to recognize that there are substantial “signs of panic.” Especially that did not work the steps you take government Monday in Beijing to halt declines.

The Chinese authorities have suspended the IPO (initial public offering – IPO), and, in agreement with the largest stockbroking firms promised pumped in $ 20 billion market., to reverse the negative trends and improved sentiment on the stock markets – gives the “Time”, referring to the Chinese media.


Shanghai Stock Exchange lost 6 percent

These interventions have not proved very effective and Wednesday remained negative market sentiment and declines on the Shanghai Stock Exchange amounted to 6 percent.


Approximately 1,300 companies suspended trading in shares; almost half listed on the Chinese stock market companies. – It is wrong and it can be even worse. It is possible that trading would return to the level of a year ago, when it began the current bull market – said Michael Every of Rabobank.


China more serious problem than Greece?


Eight out of ten players in the Chinese stock market is not professional, but individual investors. The market is therefore less predictable. According to some experts, global declines in China may be a more serious problem than the crisis in Greece.


On European stock markets small increases. At the same time he became cheaper oil; European barrel of Brent crude cost $ 56.


Analysts of the situation


Analysts are closely following indices in Shanghai and said to remain calm. Brokerage House analyst TMB, Blazej Fair believes that the situation in China is not critical, but it’s worth it to watch.


The expert points out that the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen from the peak of about 30 percent, which means that it has entered a bear market. Shenzhen Stock Exchange index is about 40 percent lower compared to the peak of trading. The analyst estimates that the declines in these two Chinese stock exchanges are responsible PBK Britain in 2014.


Situation in China will not affect our economy


According to the caller IAR, investors on the Vistula River, at least for now, can sleep peacefully. The situation in China should not be irrelevant to the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Blazej Fair did not rule out, however, that in the future, poor sentiment on the Chinese stock markets may translate into other markets.


Greece is istoniejsza for investors


According to experts, the situation in China does not arouse such interest European investors, because their eyes are turned towards Greece. Over the past 12 months, until mid-June Shanghai Composite index has grown by over 160 percent.


The Chinese economy is inhibited, for example, prices of copper and crude tells the story of Robert Pietrzak situation with Dom Maklerski HFT




IAR, fko, jk


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