Sunday, July 12, 2015

Production of mushrooms in Poland, the highest in Europe – Virtual Poland

In this industry, we have no equal in Europe. On the Vistula River produces most mushrooms, and Poland is the largest exporter of these fungi in the world. – Achieving such a good position was made possible thanks to investments from the EU funds – said the president of the group of producers “Mushroom Center” Dariusz Wychowałek.

– When we started growing mushrooms quickly learned that it is not enough to produce, but to sell merchandise it must be properly packaged. Therefore, the next idea was to create an appropriate infrastructure that would enable the packaging of fungi and their shipment to customers – mentioned Wychowałek. – Such a large production allows the implementation to date of supplies fresh mushrooms – assured the President. A completed in 2012. Investment enables the systematic increase production. He noted that the group started the production of 2 thousand. tons of mushrooms (in 2008)., in 2014. group, which currently operates as a producer organization already delivered to the market 7 thousand. tons of mushrooms, more than three times more than five years earlier. Mushrooms not only hit the domestic market, mainly through supermarket chains, but also are exported to many countries, including France, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Greece, Norway, earlier also to Russia.

Europeans are eating more mushrooms, annual consumption amounts to more than 1 million tonnes, of which one third comes from the Polish (330 thous. tons) . Why is this happening? Consumers no longer regarded mushrooms as worthless in terms of nutritional. In fact, mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin B, iron, phosphorus, selenium, fiber, and at the same time are low in calories – argued Wychowałek. Nutritionists recommend mushrooms people with diabetes because they do not raise blood glucose levels (they have a very low glycemic index). It also helps maintain normal blood pressure. As noted Wychowałek, registered in Poland is 26 producer groups of fungi. While three years ago, the average Pole ate 800 grams of mushrooms, now eats 1.4 kg.

The company Mushroom Centre as producer group has existed since 2009. It unites 7 producers of mushrooms (champignons and oyster mushrooms) from the central Polish .

In Poland the best purchased is a medium-sized white mushroom. But more and more consumers are turning to the brown, which have a slightly different flavor than white reminiscent of mushrooms. Their supporters are, for example. Germany and the Greeks.

The Precursors in the cultivation of mushrooms were Chinese, but in the sixteenth many are French were the first in Europe took up the cultivation of mushrooms. Formerly dish with them was considered a dish elite, only for the rich, today mushroom quite spowszechniała and everyone can afford to dish with these fungi.


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