Sunday, February 22, 2015

ISS astronauts started working on the docks – Polish Press Agency

ISS astronauts started working on the docks – Polish Press Agency

21.02. Washington (PAP) – Two astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday, went into space to begin the work necessary for the construction of docks for cargo ships, which in a few years will provide transport station and its inhabitants.

During the first of three planned spacewalks US astronauts Barry Wilmore and Terry W. Virts have to install some cables provide connectivity and power supply to the planned docking station. In total, the ISS will arrive in the order of more than 230 meters of wiring and a new communications system.

The first trip of Americans will last several hours and takes place at an altitude of 400 km above the earth; Friday was postponed due to problems with skafandrami. The next two beyond the ISS is scheduled for February 23 and March 1.

Docking Stations erected on the Harmony module, where the former US moored shuttles. In the future, they take Dragon cargo ships, built by US companies Boeing and SpaceX, which will transport crew and supplies between the ISS and Earth. The first tests of the transport pods are planned for the end of 2016., And the first flight to the ISS – to 2017.

Since in 2011 have been withdrawn from the operation of all US shuttles and Russian Soyuz ships are the only means of transportation for people on the ISS.

On the ISS, the space laboratory built at the cost of approx. $ 100 billion and belonging to 15 countries, is currently six people: three Russians, two Americans and an Italian woman. (PAP)

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