There is a growing scale of return migration, but still they are not massive, and the balance and return trips is still negative. The vast majority of working abroad wants to stay there. 90 per cent. of them indicated that their financial situation has improved considerably after the departure of the Polish. This is important because the main reason for emigration is by no means the lack of jobs in the country, but too low wages – according to the report “A one way ticket? Migration in Europe from the perspective of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe “prepared by CEED Institute in cooperation with the Work Service.
According to the report, “One way ticket? Migration in Europe from the perspective of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe “prepared by CEED Institute in cooperation with the Work Service shows that the scale of return migration is increasing, albeit with massive returns can not yet speak. Encourage Poles to return would improve the competitiveness of the domestic labor market, increasing wages, investing in people and creating opportunities for development.
– The good news is that we increased the number of returns, and the number of Poles who live abroad, increases much more slowly than in recent years. On the other hand continues to exceed the number of outgoing – though few – the number of returnees – says dr. Maciej Duszczyk expert CEED Institute, deputy director of the Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw.
Working in the more developed EU countries willing to seek not only Poles, but also citizens of other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. However, the scale mobility unabated for three years. The report shows that in 2013 the total number of nationals working abroad increased slightly – up to 5.737 million from 5.623 million in 2012. At that time, came 85 thousand. Polish emigrants (total 1.88 million). Still in the group of new Member States, Poland is the second, after Romania, in terms of the number of emigrants.
– For the past 10 years, many Estonians left the country. A similar trend was observed in all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, maybe except the Czech Republic – Business Newseria agency says Indrek Neivelt, a member of the Program Council CEED Institute. – The main reason is, of course, a large emigration of earnings. People go to Western Europe, because their salaries are too low, they want to have a higher standard of living.
The most frequently mentioned reason for departure is by no means a lack of work. Depending on the sector indicates that only 12 percent. (Eg. In the construction sector) to 34 percent. (In the industrial sector) of respondents. As many as three-quarters of the respondents as the main reason for emigration indicated very low wages in Poland. This ratio is even higher in the services sector (84.1 percent)..
More than 90 per cent. immigrants are satisfied with the decision to leave, and their financial situation has improved thanks to the work abroad (91 per cent. in the construction industry and 98.6 per cent. in production). Many respondents also indicated that increased self-esteem (in services – half of the respondents).
– It is clear that overlap trends associated with the growth of wages and a decrease in the number of economic migration. Poland must do everything in order to be more competitive in the job market. Otherwise there is not enough skilled workers, and migration will not stop, because the European Union is a natural phenomenon – says Tomasz Misiak, President of the Supervisory Board Work Service.
Those who return to the country, most often as the reason shall issue Family (30 per cent. in services and nearly 70 per cent. in the building sector). Many from the beginning was to pull away to work only for a few years. Experts point out that bodes well for the future that Poles working abroad do not have a negative opinion about Poland.
– The level of job satisfaction in the EU countries is high. It is also related to the free movement of people, or Poles working abroad have the same rights as the local population. This is a factor that is absolutely a condition sine qua non for the integration, I am talking about equal rights and equal responsibilities – says Anna Rostock, director of the International Organization for. Migration in Poland.
It is interesting that among the countries of the region Central and Eastern Europe, Poland is the country with the lowest presence of foreigners. Lithuania and Estonia in 2012-2013 the figure was 16 per cent., In Poland – 0.15 percent. The report CEED Institute published a ranking that indicates that countries in the region could compete with the old fifteen EU for skilled migrants. The top three – based on socio-economic criteria – were the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Estonia. Poland is just behind the podium. Among the other countries most attractive for immigrants are Sweden, Luxembourg and Denmark. Ranking close Spain, Portugal and Greece.
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Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘login-user’: 1, ‘l’: txt1, ‘p’: txt2, ‘url’ : comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); if (oJsonObject) { if (oJsonObject.error) {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.error);} else if (oJsonObject.id_user & gt; 0) {$ (‘. newComment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComment- user-id – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (oJsonObject.id_user); $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘alt’, oJsonObject.username); $ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). attr (‘title’, oJsonObject.username) ; $ (‘# newComment-type-2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); if (oJsonObject.userurl) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form-’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Click (function () {location = oJsonObject.userurl;}); } If (oJsonObject.userthumb) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘src’, oJsonObject.userthumb); } Comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Else {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); }} Else $ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); }, Error: function () {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); }}); } Function comment_textareaAutoHeight (textarea) {/ * if ($ .browser.mozilla) {var tah = $ (textarea) .height (); if (tah – & gt;
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