Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Occupation blogger. An interesting writing can earn – Banker

Occupation blogger. An interesting writing can earn – Banker

With blogging you can continue. It is not enough, however, the same idea, and something interesting to say. You have to devote to this activity, write regularly, and text complement very active in the field, which treats the blog.


The recipe for success is a large readership. To get them, you need to describe what people are interested in a unique and expanding their knowledge. Very important is also a matter of trust.


For a blogger it is extremely important to be reliable, because it is his only power, the only market advantage – news agency says Dorota Szostek Newseria Business-Rejowska, group product manager of Grupa Onet. – Readers trust that if a blogger, which I read, I recommend a product, it means that he has tested it and no hidden defects me. This is the difference between advertising that the traditional media buys or sponsored articles, and advertising that a blogger can do.


In practice, this means that a blogger can be sponsored, can write what passed him the marketers, but this must inform and honestly describe the product or service advertised. It may not lose credibility.

A lot of bloggers started to make money blogging – says Dorota Szostek-Rejowska. – Some of them have come to such a practice and perfection that has become their main occupation. I personally know several bloggers who opted out of paid employment and persist only writing a blog. Of course, while there are many different elements that need work – bloggers are doing side projects, collaborate with various brands, are ambassadors. In contrast, this can keep yourself and the whole family.


According to the report, “Poland Blogosphere 2014″ Zblogowani.pl service that blogs frequently lead people between 19 and 35 years old. Of this group, nearly 70 percent comes from. authors. At the same time 85 percent. blogs are headed by women. Most of them, 21.6 percent. Polish blogs are devoted to the kitchen. Is followed by issues related to beauty (14.6 per cent.) And the wider lifestyle (13.2 percent.).


Readers while turning to the subject of the most lifestyle’ową. These types of blogs read 39 percent. women and 22 percent. men. The subject of culinary interest to 37 percent. of women and 20 percent. men, while reflections and advice beauty bloggers devoted 39 percent interest. women and 2 percent. men.

To blog earned, must first of all be of great value and high quality – notes representative of Grupa Onet. – never will be much earned on the blog, which is run from case to case, for which there is a blogger and hard work which relates to everyday life.


Success can also refer a leading business blog. Last year’s winner of the competition for the Blog of the Year was Michael Szafranski, who writes the blog “How to save money.”


Top bloggers who earn, or write texts lifestyle’owe fashion and beauty, in the case of Michael Szafranski talking about the whole area of ​​finance – emphasizes Dorota Szostek-Rejowska. – This is the financial aspect of our lives. It is very important to running a blog was cleverly that it was made with passion, because then goes for the quality, and then you can make a very cool designs.


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