Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coal will remain in 20-30 years the main source of energy in Poland – Interia

Gérard Bourland, Group CEO of Veolia Poland / Newseria Business

– The EU policy is not It should be imposed from above, but to rely on cooperation. Poland should contribute to this policy, and build it together with other countries – says a news agency Newseria Business Gérard Bourland, Group CEO of Veolia Poland.

– Today, it seems that Poland is progressing in line with EU energy policy. Of course, using the skills, strengths, and taking into account the specificity of Polish conditions. In Poland there are a lot of coal, which is not so common. This specificity must be taken into account by decision-makers in Poland, in order to select the most efficient energy model for the next years.

According to the assumptions of the European Union by 2050, emissions of harmful substances It is to be reduced by 80 percent. to 1990. By 2030, would be to reduce emissions by 40 per cent., and by 2040 – about 60 percent. According to the European Commission, the greatest potential for reducing carbon emissions is the energy sector, which is able to eliminate it almost entirely. Electricity according to these guidelines would be produced from renewable sources such as wind, sun, water and biomass, and other low-carbon energy sources such as nuclear power plants.

– The energy market in Poland will change. Today 80 percent composed of carbon, just over 10 percent are renewable and the remainder is gas. While preserving the competitiveness requires a change of these proportions in the future, I am convinced that coal will remain the main fuel in Poland – says Bourland. – The share of renewables will increase, as well as gas, but I am far from saying that coal is bad and good renewable sources. Coal can be used in power generation in an efficient manner and reduce emissions per kilowatt-hour.

In Poland, currently under construction include blocks 5 and 6 belonging to PGE Elektrownia Opole. It is to be coal-fired, and the devotion of investment is planned for 2019 years. Tauron is building block for hard coal in Jaworzno, and Enea – in Kozienice.

– If the biomass is used in inefficient plant, for me it is not a renewable energy source. In the future, we should use a variety of sources, based on local fuel, but at the same time increase and develop more energy-efficient units. It is essential to meet the energy needs of the country to remain competitive – argues Bourland.

How convinces no way to change the energy mix of any country in a short time. The expert adds that the biggest advantage may be flexibility, ie the possibility of obtaining energy from different sources. That does not mean that you should not try to set goals. However, it is important that this process was not imposed top-down, but he was also initiated by the consumer.

– Coal will remain in Poland in 20-30 years the main source of energy, but it must be used in an efficient manner – says CEO of Veolia Poland. – The share of renewable sources and gas will continue to grow. I am not able to determine that in percentage terms. It will be a real energy mix, the aim of which will be primarily the behavior of the energy independence of the country to the greatest extent possible.


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