Friday, May 27, 2016

Lowering the retirement age. The larger deficit of FUS, but the poorest do not lose –

Lowering the retirement age will make our pensions will be lower by up to 30 percent. But there is one group which is do not touch. – Do not lose the poorest, provided that they have a sufficient number of contributory periods, to work out the minimum pension – emphasizes Paul Jaroszek, vice president of ZUS. Lose while FUS, in which the hole will increase by 4 billion zł per year for the first years.

At the end of 2,015 years deficit of the Social Insurance Fund, which paid our pensions, he reached 45.9 billion zł. With forecasts of the FUS showed that in the years 2017-2021 for the payment of pensions will be missing at about 50 billion zł per year and is the optimistic scenario. In the worst in 2019. Run out of even 76 billion zł, and in 2021 – 90 billion zł. Do you run out of money in the end to pay pensions?

– There is nothing to fear. The size of the deficit in the Social Insurance Fund on the average European level. So it is in Europe, so it was for many years – emphasizes in an interview with Paul Jaroszek, vice president for ZUS. Financial. He added that the deficit in the Social Insurance Fund will only grow in absolute terms and in relation to GDP situation will improve. – The economy will grow faster than the deficit, so it will be easier to finance it – explains Jaroszek.

Hole can, however, zoom in lowering the retirement age of 67 years for both sexes to 60 years for women and 65 for men.

– in the first year after lowering the retirement age will increase the deficit by an additional 4 billion zł and slightly more in the following years. However, in the long term deficit in the Social Insurance Fund will be similar, regardless of whether you decide on a reduction of the retirement age, whether it is at the level of 67 years – says Vice President of ZUS.

Regardless of the impact on the budget FUS is certain, that lowering the retirement age will cause the fall of pensions. It is estimated that the benefits can reduce up to 30 percent.

But it will also be a payment that does not see lower. This will be the case of minimum pensions. – Do not lose the poorest, provided that they have a sufficient number of contributory periods, to work out the minimum – emphasizes Paul Jaroszek.

On the other hand, the problem may be the retirement of those who do not will develop the minimum due to too short contribution period.

– They receive only as much as was put down. Imagine that someone throughout life worked on a contract oskładkowanej only for one month and put only 100 zł. This money will be divided by 209 months, because so much is the average life expectancy after retirement. Therefore, from the perspective of the pension we should strive for the greatest number of people who work – emphasizes Jaroszek.


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