Saturday, May 28, 2016

Nearly 10.5 million zł research ferroalloy, which will improve the quality of steel – Banker

             Technology company Łazisk Upper along with scientists from Krakow’s AGH wants to create the world’s first iron alloy with a very low carbon content and a reduced content of gases, including nitrogen and hydrogen.


The project received nearly 10.5 million zł funding from the National Research and Development Centre. If successful, the future creation of a steel with unprecedented strength.


Iron alloys are necessary for the production of steel, which is achieved by the desired properties. The less is żelazostopach unwanted elements – eg. Coal and gas – the better the quality of the steel, which is more durable and resistant to wear.


The dream of producers and consumers are ultra-clean feet, so you can produce steel of the highest quality, used in industries using the latest technologies, eg. in aerospace, armaments, chemicals and energy.

The quality requirements for these steels are very high and still rising, because their manufacturers seeking better raw materials for production – explains the president of the company łaziskiej Re Alloys Tadeusz Rygulski. It was this company, operating in the Huta Laziska, researching Ferro parameters, which did not reach far no manufacturer in the world.


The alloys of iron, chromium and silicon are used for the production include ultraniskowęglowego ferrochromium, is necessary to obtain high quality steel. Silesia a result of our work is to be refined, ultrapure Ferro controlled content of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. The project will be developed the technology of its production, including, among others, the process of melting and refining.


Attempts technology developed solutions must be carried out under production conditions, because no laboratory tests do not reflect the specific conditions of thermal and physicochemical occurring in furnaces and ladles refining – explains Rygulski, stressing that no one had produced an alloy of such parameters.


The project is run in collaboration with scientists from the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow and funds for research come from the competition of the National Centre for Research and Development Demonstrator. The project was on the first place among the 30 projects recommended for funding, selected from 137 submitted projects.


Industry experts highly appreciated the project, among others, due to a very precise and accurate identification of the needs of the market and an interesting proposal to address the technology. It will not happen without a development, because – seeing the potential of the project to conquer international markets – decided to award the grant – pointed Alice Tatarchuk-Nowik of the National Centre for Research and Development.


Łaziska company has experience in the production of żelazokrzemochromu, but used so far method production does not allow to achieve the intended project and expected by the recipients of unwanted content elements. Hence the research that will lead to the desired outcomes. This should include to develop a set of best raw materials, analysis of the mechanisms of transition elements of gas to the melt and improving the previously used method of refining and bottling of liquid alloy. (PAP)

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