Friday, January 27, 2017

Fisk will help to fill the hole. More than before –

the Ministry of Finance has presented to journalists on Friday a package of advanced accounting personal income tax, which will be available during the current promotion folding personal income tax from 2016.
- we are Talking about the fact that the calculation took taxpayers for no more than 2-3 minutes – said
Deputy Minister of Finance Marian Banaś. Today, in his opinion, the taxpayer must allocate
completing your tax return, for 20-30 minutes. So much is, however,
well who will prepare, gather before all the necessary documents
will open the instructions for completing the forms. Less wprawni and zapobiegliwi can speculate on the PIT even for a few hours. Better is when they use software for completi ng the readings per annum.

Before the year, in the calculation of income tax for 2015, you could already use from the testimony pre-filled for taxpayers through tax revenues. They can be downloaded from the tax portal of the Ministry of Finance to sign and submit. In “their” testimony, fisk did not take into account, however, the benefits, the joint settlement of spouse and 1 per cent., which the taxpayer would like perhaps to spend on your chosen public benefit organization, or to complete, sign and send. Therefore, the pre-filled PIT was used by few taxpayers.

Fisk will appreciate the personal income tax

Now fisk goes a step further. During the calculations for 2016. every taxpayer is engaged in an employment contract, agreement occurred or orders, and those who have incomes from copyrights, may submit to the tax office a statement to make for him an annual tax. This relief will benefit pensioners. The print will have the name PIT – WZ. It should be submitted in electronic form, that is, just send through the Internet. They can be submitted through the Internet Bank. It act in the same way as in the case of applications for child benefit from the program, 500+. It is not known which banks will proceed with this project.
Conclusions can be submitted between March 15 and April 10. To fill the
by the taxpayer in the application will be up to 36 fields, most of which is and personal identification data of the taxpayer. In a statement, the taxpayer will be able to ask fisk rozliczył it with a spouse or child who alone brings. Give the amount of social insurance contributions and insurance. And for this he will be able to ask for consideration in its calculation of benefits due to him: on children, as well as rehabilitation. Can also specify the public benefit organization, which he wants to transfer 1 percent. your tax.

Fisk then the share of tax directs his name. Special opportunities will be available to those taxpayers who last year worked, were busy in several places. Unfortunately, taxpayers who want to use, for example, incentives for donations, the Internet, a dedicated blood odsetkowej whether to save for retirement in IKZE, they will have to take this into account in his testimony.

- we took only two breaks. Those with whom the taxpayers are more often admitted Tomas Pod, the Director of the Department of tax administration. During the year the indications drawn by the Treasury have to include all tax breaks.
Readings are filled fisk taxpayer, you will only need to sign. For example,
putting the exact amount of income from testimony last year. Or by signing
electronic. Someone who will be contacted with tax fraud through the Bank will no longer need to sign anything, fisk finds the signature, the fact of registration on the website of the Bank.

But the indications drawn by the Treasury will reject. However, if the taxpayer’s testimony will not accept or reject, then upon expiration of the term of the settlement, the Treasury considered that it was difficult.
Is the only possibility. Taxpayers will still be able to submit declarations in paper form. They, too, could, as before, fill it yourself and send over the Internet, – said the Director of Pod.

Fisk da 1 percent. tax pensioner

For seniors tax annual fills of social insurance. However, if they want to transfer 1 percent. its annual tax to public benefit organisations must complete a personal income tax on their own. It stopped many seniors from exchange of tax organizations or associations.
Now to change it. Pensioners will be able to send ZUS statement PIT-Qty CAT. Will include the OPP, they want to pay 1 cent. your tax. Fisk will take this into account in their calculation of the annual. And there will be no need to for 1 cent. tax pensioners are complete declarations per annum. PIT-OP can be submitted by email and in paper form.

Resort is counting on savings

the Ministry of Finance explains that it is all about the same makes life easier for taxpayers.
- we don’t want to demand from them the information that we have, said Tom Pod. And fisk because our employers information about how much we earn, how much of contributions and advances for taxes we pay. Despite all this, every year we were forced to supply this information again, in the forms of personal income tax. Fortunately, for several years simplifications in the calculations is more and more.

the Ministry of Finance expects that they will bring him they are also substantial savings. At least in the form of a smaller number of paper forms used for calculations. Last year, fisk received a record of more than 8 million readings per annum. Keep them to less than paper, but maybe this year, this proportion will be fine. Until now, every year on the implementation of computers in data from paper forms worked 15 thousand. officials. If that changes, the Treasury will be able to turn them over, for example, to combat fraud and wyłudzeniami taxes.

From the promotion: as in previous years, taxpayers who filed personal income tax via the Internet, you can expect a more rapid return possible overpayment. Law fisk is three months, counting from the stand. if the plan public accessibility the government should make. Then the Parliament.
the Deadline to file personal income tax and possible surcharge of the missing tax from 2016. expires may 2.


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