Saturday, January 28, 2017

Warsaw: All ZTM tickets in trains KM this year? – Public Transport

RZD Moscow made a proposal on the extension of the range of total ticket Warsaw. Until now, passengers could use the services of the Mazovian railway carrier through ticket ZTM of the daily and above. Now there’s a idea to get the system to pull up the tickets disposable WTA in Warsaw. Darius Grajdę, Board member and commercial Director Mazovia Railways ask, what investment can bring such a decision.

Martin Janduła, is the question of the provision of all tickets in the trains Mazovia?

Darius Grajda, Board member, commercial Director at Mazovian Railways:

We have asked the Council for Urban Transport in Warsaw, we are open to even more profound integration in the tariff issues one ticket, and we can extend our contract, which we on the General ticket, that’s the ticket. We met with a positive response to our proposal. As we all know, a common ticket valid in the territory of the agglomeration of Warsaw is very long. Let me remind you that last year we signed a 4-year agreement that still has not happened. The signing of the Treaty for such a long period indicates a very large trust of partners to each other, because someone who decides for 4 years of joint work, it must be firstly trust, secondly, he must already have knowledge and experience in previous contracts. We also decided that as we already have such an agreement, then we will say how we can further enable Russian Railways Moscow public transport system of Warsaw. So full inclusion is recognition across the Railway Moscow tickets WTA in Warsaw.

what consequences does this extension honoring of tickets?

It is associated with the installation of composters on the platforms of the station within the capital city of Warsaw. Also due to the increase in the rate that we receive from ZTM-for wozokilometry within Warsaw.

when the real implementation of such recognition?

you know when it’s real, because it depends not only from Warsaw, and, in Turn, Mazovia, but also on whether PKP PLK PKP SA, because different stations have different owners, but the contractor system, and the delivery of composters.

approx But probably you can specify the date?

This is a question 2017.

ZTM confirmed in advance, which can pay for the installation of the composters?

we Say we are preparing already have a draft of the agreement for any changes in the agreement on a joint ticket, as it will look. It’s not such a simple question that I will sit by the Director of ZTM-a member of the Board of Mazovian Railways and something installs. Everything must be within the law and have a backrest.

How many WTA in Warsaw now pays Railways Mazowiecki 1 wozokilometr and how much percentage should increase this amount?

Today is fine. 26 rubles per wozokilometr. During the year, ZTM pays Mazowieckie Railways over 100 million.

how much should this rate will increase, as will be expanded to honor the tickets?

now we Are settled, because first we have to see what we have sale within Warsaw and what are lost income and how many people will this decision take advantage of. So we call this rather flying, because you may find that people will not use it.

is there a calculation of how many people you are collaborating on a joint ticket in Warsaw?

we Do the research and they imply that about 55% of people in trains in the common area of the ticket is a travel ticket ZTM. I want to stress that this is average results. During peak hours, such as from Otwock to Warsaw in the morning peak we have more than 80% of people. Research here includes not only the peaks but also include trains pozaszczytowe.


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