Monday, March 21, 2016

“The need for our nation to land cultivated by professionals, but do not go into the wrong hands” –

“Trading Act earth is there to stop the speculation that took place in the last 8 years. Sale was uncontrolled. There were irregularities with that coalition swept unable to sort out, “- he says the guy Counterintelligence RMF FM, Agriculture Minister Krzysztof Jurgiel. He adds that “in Europe there are restrictions on agricultural real estate.” “Does that make sense? This may be a different assessment, “- commented the minister. Jurgiel predicted that “foreigners will have very limited access to Polish soil – as it is in Germany, Denmark or France.” “We’re not green island Tusk only country in the European Union, which has adopted certain rules when it comes to land management. The need for our nation is such that the land was cultivated by professionals and that is not passed into the wrong hands “- says Krzysztof Jurgiel. “Earth is the national value and should be family farms, developed by the Poles” – says the guy Counterintelligence. He adds that no one forbids foreigners to buy Polish land, but they must meet the conditions, eg. To live in Poland, because this is the agricultural policy of the EU. Purpose of the Act on trading in the ground? “Improving the structure of farms and niedążenie to concentrate on one hand” – corresponds to the minister of agriculture. In his opinion “in Poland suddenly a group begins to raise your voice, because it will be a problem with the transfer of land from the poles.”

When asked about why Polish farm may have more than 300 hectares, equivalent to that the government does not want to “go back to the fact that in Poland were the landlords and the concentration of land”, and the standard was set in 2003. I am an advocate of smaller area. There are countries where it is 100 ha – said the minister. In his opinion, to date agricultural policy has been conducted badly, “because not taken care of the development of medium and small farms.”

Konrad Piasecki: Minister, what password, what thought, what the dogma guided by this new, loud and controversial regulations on trading in the ground?

Law and Justice deputy: First of all, inhibition of speculation, which took place in the last 8 years.

But I really like this Polish land speculation and so everyone on the Polish land threw?


                              & ldquo; The adopted law in August last year – the great slogans defense of Polish land – turned out to be shoddy legal


The sale was uncontrolled. But remember these strikes, the protests – especially Szczecin, Western Pomerania. There were irregularities, which, unfortunately, that coalition swept she could not sort out. Still talking about the preparation of the law that will stop this practice, but adopted the law in August last year – the great slogans defense of Polish land – turned out to be shoddy law that sanctions what was and after May 1, there would be an uncontrolled flow of Polish land in foreign hands .

Minister, I understand that in that case is the law, which is taken under the slogan “Poland Polish soil for the farmer,” but still the land under state control or under the rotation of the earth State control.

I want to say, Mr Editor, that across Europe there are restrictions on trade in agricultural property …

… but do they make sense? Because they are, but is it all make sense?

This may be a different assessment. There are solutions. I think that if we have a Constitution that the basis of management are family farms, which is why you need to prepare solutions that will enable the creation of these farms by changing the structure, by creating conditions for their formation and the bill prepared by typing as the basic principle that the buyer agricultural real estate in Poland should be an individual farmer …

… and a Polish farmer individual …


                              & ldquo; Foreigners will have very limited access to land


… leading or intending to lead the family farm. Not Polish, because such records to make, we can not, and any other conditions or the principle of acquisition mean that foreigners will have very limited access to land, as it is in Germany, Denmark, France, in all European Union countries.

Because you, Mr. Minister, is the belief that no one, as the Polish farmer will not take the Polish underground.


                              & ldquo; The Earth is the national value and should be family farms, mostly cultivated or developed by Polish farmers, Poles


No, I do not have such a belief … They are experts in all countries, and the land is the national value and should be family farms, mostly grown or developed by Polish farmers by the Poles.

But what would happen if, for example, Danish or Dutch farmer bought a piece of Polish land?

I do not forbid it. Can buy, but must meet certain conditions, must personally lead the farm, it must here simply to live. This is not a ban: in Denmark or in Germany or in France is similar bans. In Denmark, if you want to buy a farm in another country, then you have to sell all his possessions. That is the policy, when it comes to agricultural policy of the EU.

Why farm in Poland can not have more than 300 ha? Why someone can not buy a 500 ha?

Such a standard was set in 2003, before the EU …

But again I ask – is it it is wise?


                              & ldquo; I am personally a supporter of smaller areas, because there are countries where it is 100 ha, 150 ha


… I remember, they were carried expertise that most farm family can be the basis of this system, which is enshrined in the Constitution. Specialists, experts have determined that it is approx. 300 hectares. I am personally a supporter of smaller areas, because there are countries where it is 100 ha, 150 ha. This is in my opinion the standard Area, which should be …

So, 300, and so too much, right?

… but no majority decided in 2003, it is the consensus contained then between all political forces …

Minister, but complain even in the grounds of this Act, the Polish farmer has little income. Well, it might give him the right to buy 500 hectares, then it will have a big income.

Polish farmer is not so little income, but these are legacy associated with the condition of farms with poorer financial standing of our farmers, agricultural policy, which was conducted poorly, supported by our government legislative package common agricultural policy, which is not taken care of the development of medium and small farms. Poland has a small surface when it comes to the average household. Here should be the policy, which will be gradually introduced, and sought to ensure that the income of our farmers were lower than revenues in EU countries.

But what would happen if Polish farmer could buy more than 300 ha? Can you explain it?

Nothing would have happened, and again I emphasize: the Constitution – the family farm is one that gives a dignified income families and this principle is accepted in Poland and in other countries, and we do not want to go back …

But why not change it?


                              & ldquo; Improving the structure of farms is one goal, and niedążenie to concentrate in one hand. These are goals that every government, in this case the minister must realize


… to ensure that they were in Poland landlords that was the concentration of land, is the purpose of the Act, but remember that this the purpose of the law, that you should not try to land concentration is saved since 2003. This is not our idea, please see the introduction to the Act, there are three points: to improve the structure of farms is one goal, and niedążenie to concentrate in one hand. These are goals that every government, in this case the Minister must pursue.

Why do I, a resident of Warsaw, I have no right to purchase agricultural land? If I wanted today to carry and set up a vineyard of 10 hectares to buy – can not I?

Ma pa law, you must meet the minimum preparation when it comes to agriculture …

It’s me to prepare on their own. My risk.

Postgraduate you can end up, to know what are the principles of cultivating the land.

Minister, but our grandfathers not finished studies of agricultural and somehow gave counsel with the land.


                              & ldquo; In Poland, suddenly a group begins to simply raise your voice, because it will be a problem with the transfer of land, transfer of ownership of columns
We are not an island green, the famous island Tusk, but we are a country in the European Union, where certain rules when it comes to land management, trading, were adopted


On the other hand once again emphasize, we are not an island green, the famous island Tusk, but we are a country in the European Union, where some rules, if as for land management, trading, were adopted, were adopted restrictions were also adopted rules, the need to prepare agriculture for the acquisition of land, and so we functioned in the country.

Minister, but most of my questions you responds well so be it, because this is so, because those are the rules.

because this is the need for our nation to land was cultivated by professionals and that just passed or not in wrong hands.

And when it comes to horse stables, why not professionals, but politically trusted there are heads.

there are professionals, I do not I understand …

I read the comments of the new head of the stud in Janow Podlaski, he says: “I love horses, I love horses, but no, unfortunately I did not have close contact with them.

About the boss you ask?

this new, appointed by the master.


                              & ldquo; If the CBA indicated that the activities of a group that dealt with the organization of the Arabian Horse Days, had a criminal offense and ordered the applications, however, to make personnel changes, (…) is the president of the agency, which oversees the company had no choice


Because there are two of them on the board. I want to tell you that this farm consists of two activities. First, it is a typical agricultural activities, so the production of milk, cereals, and in this, you must know, stud, or a farm brought a positive result, while the loss was on the same horse breeding. Now employed a man who had a practice in Qatar, has education and will carry out further cases of horse breeding, the case of this show, which will be in August, and believe me – there is nowhere people irreplaceable, and if there was mismanagement, if the CBA indicated that the actions of a group that dealt with the organization of the Arabian Horse Days, had a criminal offense and ordered the applications, however, to make personnel changes. This minister, although not I was carrying out the changes, only the president of the agency, which oversees the company had no choice, otherwise you could be accused of mismanagement and could he be convicted.

A explained to you the reasons illness and death of the mare. Because the old boss had pretensions that he is improvident, as evidenced to be the death of the mare, Friday or Thursday fell another.

The difference Mr Editor is that, those mare fell in October and more than a month we did not know that it was with us. If it fell the next day he was released the message and brought an autopsy, notified the prosecution and proceedings in the two cases are ongoing. What will be the result? We’ll see, but Mr Editor, primarily thrift and responsibility for state property.

Agriculture Minister, thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Yes Krzysztof Jurgiel answers questions of listeners RMF FM! [SEE]


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