Tuesday, March 1, 2016

NIK reveals scale sell-off of assets unions. The conclusions are frightening – Money.pl

Successive governments and ministers of the Treasury for years did nothing to stop the sale of assets of the former Workers’ Holiday Fund. Managing them company profits derived mainly from the sale of the following resorts. At that time he paid its shareholders dividends of 16 million. The main conclusions of NIK in this case, which ends in a notice to the prosecutor’s office.

The Supreme Chamber of Control released a report on the inspection activities of the Ministry of the Treasury, which was to regulate the right to property former Workers’ Holiday Fund in the years 2004-2014. At the same time in connection with the disabling control of the operations of the majority shareholder FWP Sp. o.o. Foundation Agreement, NIK sent to the prosecutor’s office a notice on suspicion of committing a crime

The Chamber also showed how 18 years of business FWP Sp. o.o. He sold off the assets of the former FWP. At that time, the company conducted 153 transactions for a total amount of nearly 100 million zł. Selling centers, charging them with ownership or perpetual usufruct FWP Sp. o.o. utilized as a tool to maintain financial liquidity, financing of investments and dividends to shareholders.

Even when the financial result excluding revenue from the sale of assets during the period was negative and amounted to – 47 thousand. zł, the amount of the dividend resolved to be paid totaled more than 16 million zł. Moreover, in any fiscal year, when it came to the payment of dividends FWP Sp. o.o. He has not received a positive financial result excluding the sale of assets. Eighteen years ago, FWP Sp. o.o. boasted 293 recreation centers now have their only 46.

When the inspectors began their work in April 2015. still not been executed Constitutional Court’s judgment of 3 June 1998. indicating the urgent statutory regulation of rights FWP to property. Thus, it was the longest not executed the Court’s judgment. Despite the ruling TK 1998, successive ministers of the Treasury were not able in any way to settle the matter.

Only control NIK prompted MPs to resume work interrupted in the Parliament in 2012. Finally, the Act entered into force 7 December 2015 year, which is up to 16 years from the sentence. Only then the property of the Fund became the property of representative trade union organizations, like Solidarity, OPZZ or FZZ. The establishment of this law NIK also recognizes as one of the most important results of this audit undertaken on its own initiative.

NIK in the report did not leave a dry thread on the following ministers of the Treasury. The Chamber considered that the preparation of the corresponding draft law was due not only to the Tribunal’s judgment, but the obligation imposed by successive prime ministers who commissioned ministers to urgently address the issue. Despite this, the next heads of the Ministry failed to bring it to an end. Not only that, finally passed the law also was not prepared by the Treasury, but was established on the initiative of Deputies.

Also see: How many trade unionists in Poland and how much at them spend?


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