Monday, March 14, 2016

Compounds have received a business Polish Group Mining – Polish Radio

                             Control over two weeks Kompania Węglowa (KW) Tomasz Rogala announced that the business Polish Mining Group (PGG), which is to take over the mines Company, will be submitted for consultation unions.

President declares that the Group will operate at arm’s length, not bringing losses.

This is the first speech of the new president

Rogala, who on Feb. 24 was replaced as head of the largest mining company revoked Christopher Sędzikowskiego not yet spoken to the public, with the exception of a brief statement after talks with unions and the Minister of energy on March 4.

on Friday, the company published an online magazine addressed to employees of the company, where he was a conversation with the new president.

the company takes collective dispute on the average salary

the Company takes a labor dispute, in which the unions are demanding confirmation that this year the average salary in the Company will not be lower than last year. The unions also want to know the details of the plan for the PGG. President declares that the social side receives a business plan for consultation.

The business plan is prepared. The new president is counting on the idea of ​​savings from trade

“The business plan is prepared and will be submitted for consultation unions. Now it will be discussed with the social. I wish to stress that the consultation will accept every idea for saving and rescue situations, which will be located in the realities of the market. I put on a conversation and openness “- declared the president.

He said he believed that both management and unions, and employees depend on that to PGG was stable employer, and jobs in the mines have been preserved. He pointed to the fact that “a wise restructuring of such a great company that is KW can only take place under market conditions.”

PGG is to save the mines KW

“the transfer of mines to PGG is a necessity, because it allows them to actually save, but we must remember that the new entrant must cover their costs. Today, we can not wait any longer, because it is not possible to dispose of money and you should also wait for a miracle, because it will not “- said the president.

In his view, it is reasonable to restructure the mining industry so that it can meet most of all needs domestic market – power plants, heating plants and individual customers. Restructuring – rated Rogala – should enable the preservation of jobs and the pace should not cause sudden events, such as structural unemployment, which could occur in the case of sudden or hasty liquidation of mines.

The Government provided funds for PGG

“therefore, the government has provided funds for restructuring in the framework of the Company’s restructuring Mines and prepared the investment program (ie. the amount of 2.2 billion zł) for Polish Mining Group (…). PGG is to operate on a commercial basis, without bringing losses “- said Rogala.

As said, the current state of the mining industry, including KW, with neither the current government nor the current management of the company.

“we are also bound by the findings of the European Commission and can not find anything quickly to change, and we do not have the time. We focused on those activities which quickly improve the situation of the company and will avoid collapse. The Ministry has launched measures under SRK and accelerated work on the investment program in order to obtain the said 2.2 billion zł “- said the president.

Further talks about. Average wages will begin next Monday

Subsequent discussions with the social announced in the Company on Monday. After the previous round of talks, attended by energy minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski, both union representatives and board Company expressed optimism on the conclusion of an agreement on this year’s level of remuneration in the company.

KW is the largest coal producer, employing more than 34 k. people. In their study, the company reported that in 2015. Coal production at its 11 mines was 26 million tons, or 0.7 million tons more than the previous year. Cost of production decreased by 8.3 per cent., To a level of 259 zł per ton. The company reached 6.7 billion zł sales revenue, which in comparison with 2014. Represents a decrease of 9.6 percent. It sold a total of 28.5 million tons of coal, about 287.5 thousand. tonnes less than in 2014.

However, comparing the results for the 11 mines belonging to PGG, managed to increase sales revenue by 6.5 per cent., to a level of 6.4 billion zł in 2015. Sales of coal last year amounted to 27.4 million tonnes while, and this means that we have managed to sell about 3.84 million tons more than in 2014. – include the effect of the sale of part of coal from piles.

Coal Company took a number of trading decisions aimed at improving the financial situation and results. One of them was the sale postponed, which helped to raise money before, without having to export coal. It managed to reduce the state piles by 2.1 million tons. KP’s market share in the segment of Polish power plants amounted to 36 percent last year. The company also managed to increase its share in sales to other domestic customers.

PAP, jk


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