Thursday, March 3, 2016

The unions are fighting for bridging pensions –

March 11 team for the problem. Social Insurance Social Dialogue Council is to decide on the work on changes in bridging pensions. The unions are demanding that they run concurrently with the discussion of the presidential draft lowering the retirement age. In their opinion, it is necessary for an urgent solution to the problem of people working in harmful conditions.

Unfair division

– By the end of the third quarter we complete the work on the new the conditions for granting pensions, but to develop a common position will not be easy. And this applies not only to reduce the retirement age, as well as possible changes in bridging pensions – reveals prof. John Klimek, chairman of the task team on. Social security.

OPZZ and “Solidarity” propose repeal blanking bridging pensions.

– This is the basic change, which will be claimed. It can not be that two people working side by side on pensions passed on different principles. One has the right to early retirement, and the second will have to work until the age of 67 – explains Henryk Nakonieczny of the National Commission of “Solidarity”.

The Act of 19 December 2008. On retirement bridging (Journal of Laws No. 237, item. 1656, as amended.) divided by persons employed in special conditions or of a special nature into two groups. those who worked at least one day before 1998., can apply for a retirement pension. Employees who started working after 31 December 1998. never acquire the right to the benefit.

But this is not the end of problems. Both compounds are comments on the definition of work performed under specific conditions and special character. Changes have to go in a direction to make as many people could benefit from this form of early retirement. they demand the improvement of the system of verification of work in such conditions and strengthening the powers of labor inspection in the Act on early retirement.

A lot of divergence

Employers do not want to even hear about it. According to Jeremy Mordasewicz, expert insurance Confederation Lewiatan, people who begin employment under special conditions or in special character should retrain after a specified number of years, which ensures that they are still healthy.

– it should not be that employee a lifetime does one job and in return expects early retirement. But this to be possible, it is necessary to change the mentality of employees – adds Jeremi Mordasewicz.

But this is not the end of problems in determining the common position. Employers’ organizations do not agree that they have to pay a premium for the Bridging Pension Fund for those who will never have the right to take advantage of such a solution.

– In such a situation, this contribution is treated as a tax – noted Dariusz Jadczyk, chairman of the board of the Regional Organization of Employers in Czestochowa.

it may therefore be that if the unions will demand changes in pomostówkach, it’s also the matter will have to be subject to negotiation. What is the Ministry of Labour? As he learned DGP, for now there are no ongoing work on changes in pomostówkach. Those responsible for this deal currently possible variants of lowering the retirement age. And this is a priority, because the government has to quickly prepare its position on the draft presidential. However, changes in bridging pensions depend on the common position of employers and trade unions.

– The government, however, must reckon with the fact that if you do not support our proposal to abolish blanking bridging pensions, in a few years will be Although falling number of such benefits, but will increase the number of people receiving pensions due to occupational diseases. And these are much higher than bridging pensions, because they are set on the old, more favorable terms – adds Wieslaw Taranowska, Vice-President of OPZZ.


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