Friday, January 13, 2017

The President signed the budget law in 2017

the head of the press service of the President of Brands Magierowski, explaining that during a meeting with journalists the decision of Andrzej Duda, the signing of the budget by 2017, said the President acknowledged that there are no obstacles formal and legal entities to put his signature under the budget law.

“Mr. President came to the conclusion, after reviewing the opinions, the arguments, both the Marshal of the Sejm Brand Kuchcińskiego and Marshal of the Senate Stanislav Karczewskiego that the vote on 16 December 2016, is above the law budget was held in accordance with the rules and in accordance with the regulations of the Seimas were not violated no standards,” said Magierowski during a briefing a press-services.

“thus, the President acknowledged that there are no obstacles formal and legal persons, the signature under the law to submit the budget”, – he added.

Magierowski when asked why the President did not want to apply preventive control to send the bill to the constitutional Court to gain full confidence in the legality of the budget. “Mr. President, having full confidence in the law made the signature under this law,” he said.

“Mr. President got acquainted with all opinions, explanations, and feedback that have been created within the company, in the office of law and the Constitution, one analysis diameter, also of course, reviewed all the feedback (…) was ordered by Marshal Kuchcińskiego and appeared on the website of the Parliament”, – he told, answering a question about the examinations, as requested by the President.

Magierowski asking for more was a comment about the leader AFTER Gregory Schetyny, who complained to the President that legalizes illegal budget and therefore have to face the consequences. “Mr. President would not comment on the words of Mr. Gregory Schetyny,” – said the head of the press service of the President.

the Seimas adopted the budget for the 2017 December 16, during a meeting in the Hall of columns. The Senate in the said amendments to the budget in 2017, a Decision on this issue was supported by all present senators “Manneken Pis”. Of the 33 senators, 32 did not participate in the vote. In the discussion AFTER the senators argued that “this budget does not exist.”

Opposition apelowała President Andrzej Duda to be sent to the constitutional Court.

the Government speculated that in 2017. GDP growth (in real terms) will rise to 3.6 percent average annual inflation rate of 1.3%. the nominal growth of the average wage in the national economy at 5.0 percent., employment growth in the national economy of 0.7 per cent., and the growth of private consumption (in nominal terms) is at 5.5%.

according to the government, the budget law meets the criteria of the so-called stabilizing rules wydatkowej and Finance sector deficit (EU methodology) is lower than 3 percent. GDP. Predicts that the deficit in public Finance sector will be 2.9 percent. GDP.

the Opposition is disputing the adoption of the budget to the Sejm, arguing that when the law was głosowana in the Hall of columns there was no quorum, and the part of the opposition deputies were not admitted to the meeting. The speaker of the Parliament assured that during the voting on 16 December attended the required constitutional number of deputies and that each of the deputies could go in the Hall of columns of the main entrance and take part in each ballot. The opposition, she had objections to the fact that all of said deputies amendments were rejected in a single vote. The Marshal replied that in accordance with the rules.

Parliamentarians and Modern AFTER 16 December to Thursday carried out a protest action in the hall of the Sejm, requiring, in particular, the repetition of the vote on the budget bill. At the same time, there is the idea presented by the leader of the Modern Ryszard Petru, in the Senate to vote opposition amendments to the budget, and thus, the law returned to Parliament. The PiS were willing to agree to this proposal, but I did not support her and Peter she had left.

on December 16 in the diet, as well as blocked, made dozens of amendments “Manneken Pis”. Was among them, and a change providing for the appointment of additional money in the budget of the Ministry of internal Affairs to increase by 1000 the number of posts in the police.

she Moves 62 million 600 thousand UAH. rubles, with spending on cash benefits from pension costs: the Central Bureau of Investigation (7 million 520 thousand UAH. RUB.), units off-road police (about 3 million 510 thousand UAH. RUB) teams provincial police (6 million 150 thousand rubles. RUB), and regional team operations (45 million 420 thousand UAH. RUB).

in addition, the budget included a fix for an increase of 1 million 900 thousand. rubles revenues from fees from statements about the initiation of Antimonopoly proceedings. This money should Fund the Office of Protection of Competition and Consumers (1 million 500 thousand rubles) and the General reserve (400 thousand rubles).

it also Assumes the fix is reduced to 3 million rubles the costs for the Main Team of the State Fire service, with the purpose of the money for the voluntary fire brigade.

in Accordance with another amendment increased by 11 million 981 thousand UAH. rubles are the costs of the Institute of National Memory, due to the reduction in the amount of the provision as a whole. A decrease of 6 million rubles size of the reserve areas also provides for the correction podwyższająca this amount of expenditure of the State Labour Inspectorate.

it is also Expected a hotfix that changes the financial plan of the National Fund of environmental Protection. It assumes an increase from 13%. of payroll in connection with necessity of creation of new jobs.

Previously, in early December, the parliamentary Committee of public Finance provided some of the nearly 290 of the announced amendments to the government draft budget for 2017.

it was Decided then, in particular, to increase to 121 million 80 thousand UAH. RUB total reserve of, due to, in particular, a decline of 2.7 million UAH of the expenses of the Supreme Court and the ESTIMATE of 3.8 million UAH of the expenses of the Ombudsman, 7.8 million rubles, the budget of the National Council of Radio broadcasting and Television (KRRiT), 3.8 million UAH of expenditures GIODO, 1.5 million rubles of expenditures of the National Electoral Bureau, 15.1 million roubles of the budget of the State Labour Inspectorate, about 36.5 million of expenditure IPN per 1 million rubles of the expenses of the Commissioner for the rights of the Child, about 10 million rubles, the budget of the Ministry of justice and 35.7 million UAH of the expenses of the National Council of the Judiciary. As a result, the reserve areas of the Prime Minister, will increase to more than $ 221 million UAH.

were Made at the same time the correction of the Commission of justice to decline by 9.7 million UAH of expenses in the courts of General jurisdiction, as well as the amendment of the Committee on defense, moving on 99,6 mln RUB within the framework of the DEFENSE budget to raise salaries.

in addition, more than 75 million rubles expenses on the tasks set in the law on social assistance and the payment of insurance contributions, the health of people receiving social benefits. This amount will be used for the maintenance of support centers for people with mental disorders.

it was also decided on the reduction. 13 million UAH of funds for tasks arising from the law on family support and the foster care system replacement, assigning them to the activity centers foster. Approved by the Commission also received an amendment which allows increase of wages 253 from the Prison Service staff, as well as other law enforcement agencies.

Made a change to the financial terms of payroll, entering new costs associated with the coordination assistant of the family, the tasks defined in the law on support for pregnant women and families “For life”. Reserved on these purposes of 70 million rubles, to reduce costs in other items of the plan Fund.


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